Best Podcasts of 2022

Wrongful convictions, political investigations, and colorful characters were BIG this year. We’ll each give our lists for the Top Ten Podcasts of 2022.


  1. Bone Valley

  2. Motive: Blind Spot

  3. Burn Wild

  4. Stolen: Surviving St. Michael's

  5. Accused: The Impending Execution of Elwood Jones

  6. The Sunshine Place

  7. Imperfect Paradise: The Sheriff

  8. The Letter

  9. Chameleon: Wild Boys

  10. Smokescreen: Puppy Kingpin



  1. Chameleon: Wild Boys

  2. Bone Valley

  3. Burn Wild

  4. Stolen: Surviving St. Michael's

  5. Cover Story: Seed Money  

  6. Fiasco: The AIDS Crisis

  7. Death of an Artist

  8. Will Be Wild

  9. Project Unabom

  10. Suspect season 2


  1. Bone Valley

  2. The Trojan Horse Affair

  3. Stolen: Surviving St. Michael's

  4. Chameleon: Wild Boys

  5. Will Be Wild

  6. Fiasco: The AIDS Crisis

  7. Project Unabom

  8. Breakdown: The Trump Grand Jury

  9. Smoke Screen: Puppy Kingpin

  10. Motive: Blind Spot


  1. Bone Valley

  2. Will Be Wild

  3. Chameleon: Wild Boys

  4. Stolen: Surviving St. Michael's

  5. Cover Story: Seed Money

  6. The Letter

  7. Motive: Blind Spot

  8. The Trojan Horse Affair

  9. Burn Wild

  10. Run Hide Repeat